Experimental shorts (selection)


A nos parts absentes, HD (digitized super8), 20 mn, 2022

This film comes from a phrase from Mahmoud Darwich, saying he sometimes dialogues with the absent part of himself when he thinks of his love for Palestine. I wanted to know what it was like to look back at people I loved, and recognize these missing parts of ourselves today. This film is a travelogue, a film-poem, recollecting fragments of my life between 2009 and 2020. I composed the music of the film, under my moniker Marie Delta.

Screenings :
Exhibition J’aurais voulu être un artiste, curated by Véra Léon, (Le genre à l’oeil), april-june 2021
Mains d’Oeuvres, Cinémathèque temporaire cycle from the Collectif Jeune Cinéma, may 28th 2021
Distributed by the Collectif Jeune Cinema, available upon request

Concert, HD, 10 mn, 2012

Faces and states of transe in hardcore concerts.
Shot at La Miroiterie, Paris, 2012
available upon request

Kathen Ceremonies, HD, 10 mn, 2010

Collage between three voices, three stories of women. A Cameroonian woman, an Iranian woman and an Italian woman tell us their first impressions on arrival in France, in their mother tongue. While they speak of the upheaval of their spatial and identity landmarks, the camera follows the course of their thoughts through a nocturnal and solitary Paris. The installation is an immersion in a landscape state of mind, the experience of a look in migration. These films are landscapes that refer to a distanced vision of the urban space, as they were able to feel when they arrived. The montage draws a balance between a form of confidence and exteriors as seen from the inside.
Shot during a school trip in Cambodia with ENSAD, supported by l’Agence Française du développement

Paysages transitoires, 3 screens installation, HD, 3 x 5 mn, 2010

Childhood, Toronto’s diary, digitized super8, 10 mn, 2008

Travel diary of Toronto, where I lived for a year, from 2007 to 2008, a place where I came back as a child, because I don’t speak the language. From the passing of the seasons in the city, we cross the beaches of Ontario, an Italian religious procession, we see Jewish families and single men taking the ferry to the islands, girls dancing and drawing lines in the sand.

Distributed by the Collectif Jeune Cinema, available upon request

Sens – Partie I & II, digitized super8, 2006

Sens Partie I, 5 mn
A couple sensually kiss in a bedroom, to Billie Holiday’s sound.

Sens Partie II, 3 mn
A trip into Paris by the elevated railway, some tree’s whirl and a young girl. An ode to the elements’ natural movement.

Screenings :
Experiment 120, curated by Marie-Pierre Bonniol, Le Lieu Unique,
Nantes, France, 18th april 2021
CJC 2008-1998, Focus #6, Festival La Clef Revival, 11th october 2021
Mirror Space, Berlin, 2007
University Panthéon-Sorbonne, auditorium St Charles, 2006

Distributed by the Collectif Jeune Cinema, available upon request

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